The stunning Quadrant building hosts seven luxuriously appointed serviced apartments on the 4th Floor with each apartment offering fantastic views over the capital town of Victoria. 

With increasing traffic becoming a main consideration, the prime location in Manglier Street,  within a few minutes’ walk to government offices, banks, embassies and businesses , offers the perfect alternative to an out of town hotel stay to the working visitor. 



Featuring spacious living accommodation and a well equipped kitchen, the apartments are ideal for the discerning professional who wants to maintain their independence during a working visit to the Seychelles.

Each apartment features spacious living accommodation and a well equipped kitchen with Bosch appliances including a washer-dryer and dishwasher, and a Nespresso machine.

Guests will be delighted to find a supermarket [ISPC] and a wine shop [Portovino] conveniently located on the ground floor of the apartment building though all local shops, amenities and the bustling Victoria market are located nearby.

Each of Our Apartments Offers:


One Main Bedroom with King-Size Bed and a Second Room with 2 x Single Beds
Three Dining Areas: Indoor Dining Table (seats 6), Bar (seats 2) & Outdoor (seats 4)
 WiFi and Telephone Facilities
 Balcony / Veranda with Table and Seating
 Air-Conditioning in Bedrooms
Two En-suite bathrooms and a Guest Bathroom
 Lounge Area Featuring a 3-2-1 Sofa and 32-inch Flat Screen TV (Satellite)
Fully Equipped Kitchen
Walk-In Closet, Electronic Safe, Shaving Plug
 And More!


Download Our Hotel Factsheet (PDF)Download


Featuring spacious living accommodation and a well equipped kitchen, the apartments are ideal for the discerning professional who wants to maintain their independence during a working visit to the Seychelles.

Each apartment features spacious living accommodation and a well equipped kitchen with Bosch appliances including a washer-dryer and dishwasher, and a Nespresso machine.

Guests will be delighted to find a supermarket [ISPC] and a wine shop [Portovino] conveniently located on the ground floor of the apartment building though all local shops, amenities and the bustling Victoria market are located nearby.

Each of Our Apartments Offers:


One Main Bedroom with King-Size Bed and a Second Room with 2 x Single Beds
Three Dining Areas: Indoor Dining Table (seats 6), Bar (seats 2) & Outdoor (seats 4)
 WiFi and Telephone Facilities
 Balcony / Veranda with Table and Seating
 Air-Conditioning in Bedrooms
Two En-suite bathrooms and a Guest Bathroom
 Lounge Area Featuring a 3-2-1 Sofa and 32-inch Flat Screen TV (Satellite)
Fully Equipped Kitchen
Walk-In Closet, Electronic Safe, Shaving Plug
 And More!


Download Our Hotel Factsheet (PDF)Download

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